
Friday 4 May 2012

An Early Writer

Reading is something I have enjoyed for years. I used to enjoy reading fact books like many boys. They gave me numerous facts about ridiculous things, for example I know how fast insects move on different terrain!

It was later that I came to enjoy fiction. I was part of a book club at primary school and we met authors and read books as a group. Reading and then talking about the stories really made the books come alive.

Many of the books I have really loved have been turned into films. I have just seen the hunger games and that is one of my favourite books. It's always a bit weird seeing characters you have made up in your own head come to life in the form of an actual person. Brilliant film though, and is really closely related to the book.

During and after all this reading excitment, I started to discover a love for writing. I used and practised different writing techniques both at school and at home. I then grew more confident and started to join various competitions and clubs to both inmprove and compete my writng skills. Hopefully this skill will continue to develop in the future, and possibly lead to more opportunities.


  1. Great start Saxule: interesting thoughts on reading. When did you begin wriitng?

    1. I have just updated the post, this should make more sense. Thank you for telling me.

  2. How fast do insects move??? I agree, because you imagine characters so differently. I remember I was so upset because Mrs Weasley wasntat all like I thought she should be. I think that soon your imagination and your eyes come to a comprimise and it is a bit of both.
