
Monday 4 June 2012


'They have ransacked my very soul, stripping tiles off my roof and leaving me bare. Weather affects me so much more in my old age. It seems that the reason I was originally built-as a simple stable, is just not good enough for these people. As they continue to strip me to my bare skeletal structure, they discover buried memories and old Victorian items. It is amazing how far the medical world has evolved from 'Clarkes Miraculous Salve'. They have also discovered an item from my original purpose- a horse shoe. In fact I can still hear the 'Clip-clop' of the horses as they trotted in to my structure to rest and feed. I recently saw this family hanging bunting and raising glasses to the Diamond Jubilee. This made me feel extremely old as I remember Queen Victoria's Jubilee. Hopefully soon they will do their job as builders and, well actually build rather than strip me bare. Soon I will be repaired and prepared for another century of memories to come.'

This is the ekphrasistic point of view of our Outhouse House in our back garden, it is currently being renovated.

What the Diamond Jubilee represents for me

I feel that the Diamond Jubilee represents much more than just the Queen's reign. I took this action shot because I wanted to depict someone just 'going for it'. I really like the way his whole body is poised for action and he is using his left arm as a natural instinctive balance. At our very best, this country has always been up to a challenge, even if we do not win every time. It's something that my Nan and Grandma talk about and they are really obsessed with the whole Diamond Jubilee celebrations. That we are proud to be part of Britain and wear its colours. That we are determined to make the best of every situation. So I think the Jubilee is not just a celebration of  reign it is also a celebration of sportsmanship, pride and our development as a country.

Friday 18 May 2012

Flash Fiction

Running on the uneven ground, trembling, stumbling, and falling. Strange creatures and sounds from all around, scratching and screaming. Shadows eating their way into your imagination and destroying all rays of hope… adrenaline pumping through you: dodging, moving objects around you. Feeling there is a purpose but not knowing it, desperately trying to find it. The only thing that drives you is not knowing or not knowing what will happen next. And once found you awake from the fantasy that is sleep…

Sunday 6 May 2012

'The Lord of the Flies'

I started 'Lord of the Flies' yesterday and it seems like a great book. I think the language is really clever, for example the character 'piggy' has been created to use very east London kind of language. This character is unfortunately bullied by the other boys and you can tell he is the character who represents the victim. However he has struck up a sort of friendship with another main character, Ralph.

This friendship is then used to find other boys, as Piggy's knowledge of the conch shell and Ralph's incredible horn blowing power they manage to gather the others.

This book has already gripped me and I have only read the first chapter, I will be looking forward to reading more of it in the future.

Friday 4 May 2012

An Early Writer

Reading is something I have enjoyed for years. I used to enjoy reading fact books like many boys. They gave me numerous facts about ridiculous things, for example I know how fast insects move on different terrain!

It was later that I came to enjoy fiction. I was part of a book club at primary school and we met authors and read books as a group. Reading and then talking about the stories really made the books come alive.

Many of the books I have really loved have been turned into films. I have just seen the hunger games and that is one of my favourite books. It's always a bit weird seeing characters you have made up in your own head come to life in the form of an actual person. Brilliant film though, and is really closely related to the book.

During and after all this reading excitment, I started to discover a love for writing. I used and practised different writing techniques both at school and at home. I then grew more confident and started to join various competitions and clubs to both inmprove and compete my writng skills. Hopefully this skill will continue to develop in the future, and possibly lead to more opportunities.